Every one is a unique world.



"It is wrong to pretend that human beings are unique, that they carry within them an irreplaceable individuality. As far as I was concerned, at any rate, I could not distinguish any trace of such an individuality. As often as not, it is futile to wear yourself out trying to distinguish individual destinies and personalities. When all's said and done, the idea of the uniqueness of the individual is nothing more than pompous absurdity. We remember our own lives, Schopenhauer wrote somewhere, a little better than we do a novel we once read. That's about right: a little, no more."
(Michel Houellebecq 'Plattform')





In Erwartung

Stufen (from the "construct of ideas" series)

The german word "Stufe" means "step" on a staircase, but also stands for "level", "stage", "degree" or "echelon".
4 works, paint on wooden materials, 55 x 40 x 130cm each



You'll find news and pictures and the "on the edge"-project in my blog (sorry, german language only).


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